18 Amaehule Street, Eliogbolo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State |



Committed to developing the Total Child

Why choose BCA

Blessed Children Academy is a school that gives utmost priority to the moral soundness of her pupils/students. We address the totality of the child's development. The creed that "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he grows he will not depart from it" aptly describes our BIG PICTURE.

Our goal is to shape each child for the future by nurturing the child and adapting to meet each child's unique intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual needs. In BCA, we commit to foster competent, responsible, and independent citizen who are innovative problem solvers. We create a culture of peace by teaching the children diversity, tolerance and friendship.

BCA Core Values


Our focus is on the people we work for (the children, the families and the community) and we will strive for excellence through evaluation and continous improvement. It is said in the largest room in the world is the room for continuous improvement. We recognize and celebrate achievement but yet strive to get better each and every day.

Personal Responsibility

We expect students to take personal responsibility for their own learning. We cannot successfully teach them anything if they are not determined to learn. We also expect them to take full responsibility for all their actions and be willing to accept the consequences.



We commit to performing our work with sensitivity and kindness.

Hardwork and Discipline

Creating high quality work is our goal and we are committed to making learning interesting, exciting and fun, as much as possible, with the generous support of technology.

Life-long Learning

we recognise that learning has no end in time and therefore our children will learn skills that will allow them to continue to direct their own learning. This will naturally lead to independence and self reliance.


We strive to create a climate of mutual respect among students, staffs, parents and community members. Students are expected to show respect to others and in turn expected to be treated by others.


We believe self-esteem is that desired outcome of the combination of character, competence, committment and compassion which we inculcate in our students as a matter of interest and priority.


We are committed to act in ethical, honest manner.


We live in a diverse society and therefore, students need to understand and respect differences while seeking to find a common ground.